Neighborhood Street Signs
4/26/2016 UPDATE:
Thanks for everyone’s feedback in the survey! Overwhelmingly, residents have chosen brown signs and a logo with houses and trees. The project was funded by the Neighborhood Enhancement Program Grant through the Town of Irondequoit. Signs created based on the survey feedback have begun to be installed in and around Winona Woods in April 2016.
In order to grow our association and increase the visibility of our charming neighborhood. Winona Woods has been exploring the possibility of having unique street signs produced for our area similar to the ones you may have already noticed in areas like Seabreeze (examples of which are included below) or on Baker’s Park near I-Square. These signs would continue to meet all of the codes and regulations for highway signs but would do so in a way to bring greater attention to what an asset our area is by attracting new home buyers and alerting other Irondequoit residents to the presence of our community via tangible evidence.
Signs would be produced by the town and county highway departments and can come in standard green, blue, white and brown. In addition a border can be added and a small 4 inch by 4 inch image can be placed on each sign as a symbol of our neighborhood. Signs along St. Paul Blvd. are owned by the county and would cost in the neighborhood of $190 per intersection including all materials and labor. Signs along other neighborhood intersections are town owned and would likely cost less to change.
However, in order to get the most accurate prices we will need to decide what colors and images we would like on the signs. Therefore we are surveying as many residents as possible for their opinions and will use that data in order to create a proposal based on the ideas of our neighbors. Once we have an idea pinned down we will have an official quote drawn up and begin a funding and phasing plan.
Let’s hear your opinions! CLICK HERE to take the survey.
(Survey now closed as of April, 2016 as signs have already been purchased and printed.)
Here is an example from Seabreeze:
Here are two examples in real life: