Message from the WWNA Board

Dear Neighbors,

How are you doing? We hope this note finds you and your loved ones in good health. The last several weeks have been unlike anything we could have ever imagined as a community. Stressful is probably an understatement as we adjust to new ways of living, managing changes in employment, caring for kids or elderly parents (or both), and trying to stay healthy and sane. Thank you to our neighbors who are working in essential businesses/organizations to make sure our basic needs are still met. Thank you to those who have brightened daily walks with rainbows and chalk art. Thank you to those who are volunteering time and talent to make masks, pack food boxes, and more. We’re so grateful!

The Winona Woods Neighborhood Association Board has been finding ways to keep our neighbors connected even though we can’t gather in-person right now. We’re delighted to host our first ever virtual General Meeting on Tues. May 5 at 6:30 p.m. We hope you can join us!

RSVP to to receive the meeting link.

We have other virtual events in the works – more details to follow! And, we welcome your input. What would you like to see happening in the neighborhood right now? Send your thoughts to

We look forward to connecting with you soon!

Winona Woods Neighborhood Association Board

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