Help Us Keep Up to Date!

We are excited to announce that we are starting our Neighborhood Database fresh to ensure that everyone’s information is up to date. Winona Woods uses this database to send out announcements about our twice yearly meetings and other events we hold in the Neighborhood. It can also help in cases of emergency or special announcements. Remember Buffalo’s recent massive snowstorms? Having a good handle on who lives in our neighborhood could help us help you if that kind of emergency happens here. Or how about the yearly Rochester marathon? We can help get the word out about street closures.
As a part of our ongoing efforts to maintain accurate records and ensure effective communication within our community we are refreshing our database. Wether your contact details hav changed recently or not, we kindly ask you to provide your current information to ensure our records are accurate.
To share your information please scan this QR code with your smart phone and click on the link that appears. It will take you to a form. You can fill in as much or as little information as you are comfortable with. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as it enables us to better serve the needs of our community and foster a stronger sense of unity among neighbors.

Another way to access the form is through this link:
We cannot and will not share this information with anyone. It is strictly for internal Winona Woods use. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at