Rochester 1/2 Marathon • Sept 24th

The Rochester 1/2 Marathon is coming up on September 24th! Runners travel south on St. Paul past our neighborhood from roughly 7:30 am to about 11:00 am. Most runners will be passing our neighborhood between 8 and 10 am. The south-bound lane will be blocked off and cross traffic will be restricted during these hours.
A big thank-you goes out to our Winona Woods neighbors who have agreed to act as Road Marshals for this annual race. If you need to leave Winona Woods during the race please allow the road marshals to direct you when it is safe to cross St. Paul. Please note that during the beginning hours you may need to wait as the bulk of runners pass by.
We welcome neighbors to go up to St. Paul and cheer the runners on. In past years we have had people out cheering with bells. You can also use sidewalk chalk to create messages of encouragement on St. Paul. Chalk messages should be done on the day of the race BEFORE the runners begin to pass by.