You Rock: The Evans Family

Evans Family

Each month Winona Woods recognizes an ordinary person who does extraordinary things. This month’s You Rock comes from  Danielle Donolli and goes out to the Evans’ Family

Danielle writes:

I would like to nominate the Evans’ Family, Jason, Katie, and Owen, for the “You Rock” award! They are our neighbors on Belcoda Drive and they are friendly, helpful, and a great family. Recently, our family hosted a blood drive through the Red Cross and a toy collection for the Pirate Toy Fund in honor of our son. Katie reached out to me and volunteered to spread the word to our neighbors by posting the flyers for us to the Belcoda Drive and Winona Woods Facebook pages. This was a thoughtful support during a busy time in our lives.

In addition to helping us to promote the blood drive and toy collection, Jason donated blood at the Red Cross drive and Owen and Katie brought toys for the collection!

Besides being so helpful and generous, the Evans Family are wonderful neighbors. They always greet us as we pass on the street and chat during street picnics and other neighborhood events, and Owen regularly stops when he is riding his bike to greet our kids. Jason, Katie, and Owen are supportive, cheerful, welcoming neighbors and they deserve the “You Rock” award!

Katie and Jason, now it’s your turn to recognize someone else! You have 30 days to write with your nomination, an image and three reasons that a fellow Winona Woods resident rocks!

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